Monday, January 19, 2015

Snow Trek in Bear Brook

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Today I took my Laura on a trek through our place, Bear Brook State Park. We go there all the time so it is my park. We saw a guy and his two dogs, but they were nice so I let them continue on their journey.

Hooksett-Candia side of marker

I stopped to pose with the “Four Corners” of the park where the four towns touch: Hooksett, Candia, Deerfield, and Allenstown. Someone made a marker which is right next to the trail so it is pretty easy to find. You just have to be on the right trail.

Deer prints!
We saw lots of deer tracks in the snow. Some of them used our trails but we didn’t see any live ones. This one must have been a little deer with little feet. I had so much fun running in the snow. I wish we could go every day but my Laura has to go do something called a job. Boo jobs!

