Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I was in a Parade!


No mountain this time! Instead I walked in a parade! The town of Raymond is celebrating it’s 250th birthday this year. Wow, that is 1,750 in dog years! My mama and papa run the Raymond Animal hospital and I am the poster-pup.  See? The logo is a black dog and a white cat.  I’m the black dog! My Dexter kitty is orange so he had to stay home.
The Team!

A lot of local businesses from Raymond and other places were in the parade. Right behind us were some big-horses pulling a wagon. I really wanted to go meet the horses but my

Laura said they didn’t want to meet me today. I don’t know why. I’m very nice.

We had to line up for a long time and it was very boring so we went and explored some of the other groups. The Shriners brought mini monster trucks, Hannford brought a mini tractor trailer, and there were lots of mini footballers and cheerleaders. There were big things too! Besides the big-horses, there were old cars, marching bands, and tons of firetrucks. We got a big firetruck put in line right in front of us. That was not fun. I couldn’t see around it and it smelled bad. They were putting trucks and bands interspersed with all the other people in the parade. I met a guy from the Middlesex County Fife & Drums he had a big hat and sticks that I was sure about.

The parade was so slow! I hike up mountains faster, but I guess they want everyone to see
everything. We ran back and forth to the sides of the road to meet people. I waved to the
crowds and did some twirls, but mostly just said hi to people. They loved me. They also liked our “float” which was just my people carrying a banner and pushing a gurney with Snappy all bandaged up on it. I don’t know what happened to him, but he looked like he was in rough shape. But he had IV fluids and a get well balloon so he was well taken care of.

It was fun to be in a parade even though it was slow and I didn’t get to do a mountain. I liked meeting the people and especially this kid who loved me and gave me a huge hug again after the parade.



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Friday, September 19, 2014


 Avast me hearties! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day. Time to plunder and pillage for some cookies I mean Treasure!